BlueCielo ImandrA 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with folders > Viewing and editing inherited properties

Viewing and editing inherited properties

An ImandrA folder can be associated with certain document properties so that documents that are imported to the folder inherit their default property values from the folder. This can be useful to ensure that all documents within a folder have the same values for a property, such as a project number, company name, or trade name. You can override an inherited value in the Add Wizard during document import.

Note    Document property values that are inherited from a folder are not updated if the document is moved or copied to another folder.

To view and edit inherited properties:

  1. Right-click a folder for which you want to view its properties and select Properties. A Properties dialog appears with tabs for the property categories similar to the following figure.
  2. Click the Properties tab to display the current inherited properties.

The value of each property is the value that each document will receive when it is stored in the folder.

To add an inherited property:

  1. Select a document class from the Document Class list that contains the property you want to add. The properties in that class appear in the Property list.
  2. Select a property from the Property list.
  3. Enter a value for the documents to inherit in Value and click the Add button . The inherited property value is added to the Properties list.

To change an inherited property:

  1. Select the property that you want to change from the Properties list. The property’s current Document Class, PropertyName, and Value appear in the lower part of the dialog.
  2. Select or enter new values as necessary. Your changes appear immediately in the Properties list.

To delete an inherited property:

  1. Select the property that you want to delete from the Properties list and click the Delete button . The inherited property value is deleted from the Properties list.
  1. Click OK to save your changes.

Related concepts

Working with folders

Related tasks

Creating folders

Creating folder structures

Viewing and editing folder properties

Assigning access levels to folders

Copying folders out of the vault

Deleting folders

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